AITA for not honoring my grandmother's dying wish?

If the aim was to prioritize your peace of mind, I don't know if this was the right choice to make in the long run. You might come to regret it. You sound quite young, and it's easier to be stubborn at that age. However you might find, in time, that it is better to accept an olive branch of peace when it is extended to you, if a person shows remorse and especially of they are on their last days on earth. If not just to give them relief, in order to lift off a weight off your shoulders. It helps you get closure and think back to the injustices you suffered from a good place in your heart, instead of from a hardened one.

You had your understandable reasons to do it, but I must say that, still, YTA. I think that sometimes we can be TA because of an understandable reason, but it still makes us TA in the big picture.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread