AITA for not letting a uniformed service member sit in my assigned seat on a plane?


Being a service member doesn’t entitle to you to someone’s seat. It doesn’t even imply you’re a good person.

As a retired Marine, one of the things that makes my blood boil is watching other servicemenbers strut around in public in their utility or service uniform. There’s literally three times when you aren’t a doucheeeeee for wearing your uniform in public:

1) you’re attending a funeral

2) you’re attending a wedding or military ball

3) You didn’t have a chance to change after work and you stopped at that gas station to fill up to make it home.

People that purposely wear their uniform in the airport or shopping malls are just compensating for their boring, pog jobs. Even when you’re flying to check in somewhere, you have plenty of time to stop and change into your uniform to make it presentable.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread