AITA for not letting an autistic child touch/try my violin?

NAH... look as someone with a professional level woodwind instrument... as a general rule, no one touches it!! & they sure as heck don’t play it cause eww germs!! My good clarinet stays great because I keep it in top level condition & don’t let people knock it around... I had a breakdown with tsa because they were man handling it & I started asking how much their vehicle was worth...

However, autistic children don’t understand why. “Matt” didn’t get that this is your instrument that you don’t loan out to people. Perhaps you have a second violin that you bring outside or can take some manhandling... however, this one is extremely fragile.

Thankfully I can say something gross like I haven’t washed my mouthpiece in awhile... or ohh there might be mold growing on my reed - wanna look or smell??

You will need to figure out how to either be gross enough with your instrument. Or, let people know that you don’t loan out this particular instrument & why. Don’t bother bringing up numbers cause people will think your blowing smoke!

Also, highly recommend bringing 2nd violin that isn’t as nice to school. That way if little students want to play- they can. Plus if the bow is the el cheapo one- you won’t be as concerned. Sure you may not sound as lovely but toting around an instrument like that is not a safe idea.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread