AITA for not letting my husband give my plant cutting to his female friend?

NTA. If he was your bf I may side differently, but he is your husband. That means he is committed to the whole for better or worse and sickness and health. That includes listening to your other half when they say they feel uneasy or jealous about something, even if you do not understand. My wife is fine with me having female friends, but the moment she shows any sort of discomfort for one, I cut them out. Not her. Do not do the typical manipulative bs response of "well do you want me to... cut her out, tell her you dont like her, etc." (Makes them the bad guy or at least feel like the bad guy for "forcing" you to do something you don't want), Make the decision yourself. It shows and reaffirms her once again that you will always choose her NO MATTER WHAT. You chose her and committed to her over every other person and if you are more worried about your friendship with a person over your relationship with your wife and best friend, then you need to rethink some things.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread