AITA for not letting my trans daughter come out to our extended family until after our vacation?

OP should have ZERO say in when and how your daughter comes out.

If she wants to come to vacation presenting as female and let what happens happen, that's up to her.

If she wants to tell them ahead of time "Hey, I'm trans, my name is XXX, do your best to call me this name on vacation and let's not make a deal of it", that's fine too.

If she wants to make it a week long coming out party, hey that's cool too!

OP, this is not about you. What if someone told you "Pretend you're a 90 year old norwegian boat captain and don't break character for a week", would you be OK with that, or would you tell them to go F themselves and accept you for who you are?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread