AITA for not listing my illness on my dating profile?

This is a tough one. It's in between not the asshole and no assholes here. I'll NTA for the bot since you're entirely not an asshole, but the other parties are a bit complex.

First off, it is ridiculous for your friends to think you should post personal medical information online for the public to see. That's such an awful idea. You're friends sound naive. They're assholes for calling you a liar for doing something no one should do (reveal medical problems to the public with you're not anonymous).

That being said, I kind of understand why they think you should be up front about your problems and I get why the other person said they wouldn't have swiped if they had known about your issues.

I have 2 friends and a cousin who have an autoimmune disease. It seems like they have worse issues than you do though since they're constantly sick, and in and out of the hospital pretty frequently. They really don't get to live much of a life because they're too sick too do much. I don't an autoimmune disease but I do have a chronic disorder that does affect my day to day. It can be hard for significant others to deal with that kind of stuff. There's been too many times to count where my boyfriend wanted to do something and I just wasn't well enough to do it. Then of course there can be other difficulties. I can't fault people for not wanting to get into a new relationship that may have them dealing with that kind of stuff.

So I do think it's information you should probably bring up within the first couple of dates, but don't put it on your profile.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread