AITA for not paying for an equally extravagant wedding for my oldest daughter?

If a 28 years old daughter is still dependent on her parents rather than her own earnings, it's really unfortunate. The fact that she frequently changes her mind is also a proof of her amateurish demands. At first I thought, she is wise and planning for future and that Jody may not be thinking so much ahead. After Jody's marriage, she changes her mind and no longer interested in house deposit. The money isn't hers anyway to demand in the first place, it's their parents and it's up the parents to use it for themselves or for their daughter and at their own discretion. What Hannah said to her parents just shows how much love is worth to her, even love of parents who devote their life for the well being of their offsprings is only measured by the cash they are receiving. Parents are alive at the moment so they can afford to still arrange something. I can only imagine all the curses she is gonna hurl at her parents when they are no longer in the world. How dare they didn't leave a whole palace for me, a luxury car, an island on my name, bla bla ...I am gonna curse them to hell for every penny they made me earn on my own? I am simply grossed to see idiots like you actually get so many upvotes who probably don't have kids of their own or people to look after.

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