AITA for not re-signing the lease because my roommate is about to have a baby?

YTA. You deliberately excluded her because of her situation and did not even bother to let her know that you and everyone else already went out looking for someplace to stay, and found a place to stay, until the signing of the lease came up. You could’ve at least filled her in. She probably shouldn’t have freaked out on you, but she probably feels really excluded/discriminated against for her pregnancy.

Nothing is wrong with wanting to party or not have to handle the responsibilities of having a baby around, but something IS wrong with the way you handled it.

Being so shady and sneaking around her after you have clearly sat down and had a conversation with ms pregnant friend talking about how you’re all okay with the plan for the baby is kinda messed up. You easily could’ve just sat down and had another talk about how you all didn’t realize what you were getting into and changed your minds/you planed on finding another place so that she didn’t feel so upset by you all sneaking around when she thought you were all on the same page baby wise.

Again, nothing wrong with leaving itself and she does have three months to figure it out, but it could’ve been a lot easier for her and you would’ve avoided this argument if you had just been honest when you realized you all had changed your minds.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread