AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education?

If you logistically can’t do it than that’s just the end of it. But also that little girl needs more than she is getting in her current situation. She needs to feed her brain! Hopefully you can find some other ways to support her learning and keep her engaged in school. Look into differentiation and be really nice to her teachers and see if y’all could maybe work together to extend her lessons. When doing class work on skills she has mastered she could pull from a higher level workbook on the same topic. During center time could she could have a special assignment. Nothing crazy just a higher level writing prompt or something. Allow her access to certain educational websites for her reading level. Ask the teacher if there are any resources you could purchase for her class room that would help your daughter. Obviously that wouldn’t be ideal for anyone but it’s better than her having to sit and do work that it’s way too easy for her with kids who aren’t on her level all day long.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread