AITA for not sharing my money with my wife?

Oh really, OP can quit just as much as the wife can walk out. You're argument is extremely subjective. If OP quits, the family starves.

Toxic masculine culture, gender stereotypes, micro aggressions, global warming... You're just throwing around a bunch of buzz words. Many men commit suicide because of the pressure to provide financial support.

I do not disagree that he could split the money. I am stating the irony that while everyone here thinks that his wife deserves half of the money, nobody will agree that he could stay home and SHE could pick up metal scraps and give him half the money while she keeps the other half.

I won't respond to anything else unless I hear a good reason to why that would not be fair. I feel like you are all trying to be overly politically correct, and right now, it's cool to hate working men.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent