AITA for not telling a customer the days and hours that my employee works?

another shades of grey one. i love that so many people are like "NTA"
you may not be, but man.. i dunno.
first. you expect people who dont work for you to know your employees schedule? by what do you set that expectation? do you know when people work at other stores you frequent? i doubt it. Also many retail places have their employees on variable shifts.

the woman came in and asked for your employee probably because she spent the time to build rapport with the woman. you did not do that. sales failure number one there guy.

telling when your employee works is not violating her privacy. not in the slightest. I ask this of people all the time and no one has any issue with it. she didnt ask where she lives, she asked a question indicating she would like to buy or do business with your employee. why you would scare off business is beyond me
i mean what do you think is going to happen? she is going to show up and kill your employee? i doubt that.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread