AITA for not wanting a gluten and soy free Christmas dinner?

I already addressed that in my reply if you care to read it. As I said, my child is allergic to dairy and soy, but not in a life threatening way - he has FPIES which causes gastrointestinal distress. It was quite horrible when he was an infant, he was throwing up so much it literally filled up the hood of my sweatshirt. Thanks to CHOP we figured out what was going wrong and thankfully now it just causes him some gastrointestinal unmentionables. (aka diarrhea)

I still don't expect my family to make their entire holiday meal dairy and soy free. Soy is in freaking everything. And while I'm at it, no soy doesn't make men grow boobs. People need to pull back from the hype and recognize that no foods have magic powers to do this or that, including tumeric and kale and whatever the hell else.

The OP said they have successfully had potlucks with various foods for many years, so it sounds like she doesn't have a life threatening allergy.

Unless someone has celiac disease, they're not "allergic" to gluten. I'm sorry but I don't see the science behind it. Prove me wrong with some peer-reviewed studies if you will, I'm open but I've been paying attention to these things for a long time and I haven't seen it. I think it's the latest fad du jour, ala Gweneth Paltrow. And before you say that about my veganism I've been doing it for 20 years now so no, totally different thing.

That said, if people feel better not eating gluten I'm fine with that. Just don't push your dietary choices on other people. Lead by example. Provide yummy foods people want to eat. If they don't, fine. Get over it and certainly don't force them to change their entire holiday traditions to suit your latest diet trend.

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