AITA for not wanting to have anal sex with my boyfriend?

NTA similar situation, but I can't do the conventional, physically, anymore. So he will do nothing to help me in other areas of the relationship, won't even do anything social like we used to because he said, in effect, I'm showing him he isnt important by refusing. A backstory i complicates this. I'm in a terrible financial position now, due to malfiesance of an executor of a will in which I inherited money, handled by him, to renovate my old house, but the executor deliberately controlled and mishandled the money then walked away,saying I'm tired of doing this, leaving me with a house entirely deconstructed, so to speak, and putting me in terrible debt. He is a millionaire now due to the same will, and dared me to sue him. I couldn't afford it. He threatened me as well. That is another nightmare story. So, financially I'm struggling to undo this. The bf won't help, unless I do this, the unthinkable. He says, I tried to help you. You refuse it. What he really means is I refused doing anal sex as a condition for help. I called it coersion and force and he was offended. I feel completely alone in this.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread