AITA for not wanting a trans girl as a sales rep?

NAH- I don't really see what point everyone else is trying to make, you aren't running Google, you don't have the assets to sit around losing business. I also think Amy and a lot of people on this post are just labeling you left and right out of this one individual cancer in the world... Political Correction. Yes, it's not fair to her, but her causing you to lose business is not fair to you. Business is about trying to make money, all corporations know it. Some can afford to lose a little by following P.C trends because the publicity they gain is worth it, but small businesses aren't afforded this same luxury.

Her being trans does not give her special privileges.

Anyway, leave it to the big corporations to deal with changing the world, you do what you have to do. It doesn't make you the asshole because you wouldn't be doing it out of trans-phobia, it would be logic and common sense to change something that is causing you to lose money. The only possible asshole here is Amy for tossing around labels any chance she can get (assuming you worded everything like you did here), and me for the way I've worded this comment, haha.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread