AITA for not wanting my ex-husband to raise my son as a Muslim?

NTA just because is his child doesn't give him the right to turn him into a bigot, and indoctrinate him into a religion that discriminates against his mom.

What does islam says about woman, divorcees homosexuality and people who leave islam? That is what he'll be teaching your son about you.

If you can't have his parental rights removed (because, in my book, this is a form of child abuse) then beat him at his own game: knowledge is power, teach the kid about every religion and the historical and social context in which they were created and gained influence, and the things religions got right - like try to be a better person, be kind to others, and the parts they were wrong about so your child has the ability to filter his fathers teachings trough his own value system so he won't blindly belive anything.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread