AITA for not wanting to respond to "how was your day?" from my husband?

NTA I don’t respond to these because I just enjoy lurking, but this one got me.

I can completely relate. Every. Fucking. Day. Now, my relationship with my ex had other complications, but my reasons for hating the question are similar to yours. So here are my thoughts on that.

First, I came to find out that this is how he tried to engage with me. We had VERY little in common, so we didn’t have other things to talk about regularly. So may I suggest that you find a subject that the 2 of you can talk about daily. Maybe follow some Reddit threads, then at the end of the day, ask what each other’s thought of them. Whatever works for the 2 of you. Not everyone knows how to engage with others in multiple ways and when your kids get to a certain age, you stop talking about their poop habits, leaving an empty space.

2nd, deal with yourself. This is a sign that you are lacking self care. Your unwillingness to mirror yourself by talking about it shows discontentment. Have a blood panel done to check for anything physical and find a therapist you can dump the feelings or thoughts you have about your career, life, etc.

My blood panel saved my sanity, something I didn’t connect to my mental health before. My attitude and daily life has definitely improved by getting my thyroid and vitamin deficiency treated. And my therapist is paid to hear me whine when I feel a need to. Lol

I wish you well. ❤️

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread