AITA for not wanting to put my teddy bear away?

You had me at the first sentence, but then it was great.

I had my heart badly broken once and I had a huge teddy back then. I would cry a lot those days and that simply didn't work with having a regular job. Luckily I was just a developer back then who could hide behind the desk, so I carried the teddy in public transport to my office each day for months and had it sit on my lap while programming. When i had a moment of crying, I simply needed to cry into the teddy for 5 minutes and i could continue working without bothering anyone or moving. That went on for a month or two. Had a lot of stares and I accept being called weird for it, but hey, it is what it is. Better than being alone without friends in a city where your heart is broken and losing your job over.

I gifted the teddy to some kids years later. But I kept it for a long time and through other relationships.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent