AITA for not wanting to accept my husband’s affair child?

I am also not a lawyer, and am not familiar with all jurisdictions, but I am unable to find where anyone has ever been in legal trouble for doing this.

If you do not need the nuclear option, it can hinder your case, but that is when a judge would be more apt to be more sympathetic towards both sides. In cases like that, the lawyer would be the one to say lawyers are better able to haggle and get the best deal for all parties. The lawyer would also be telling the husband to cool his jets a bit.

In burn the bridge behind you/scorched earth cases though, OP's husband isn't going to be in a position for demanding a more fair outcome. If this husband approaches a judge about being treated unfairly, well, you are going to see some Judge Judy moments.

You might be surprised at how many judges are just as petty as the AITA comment section.

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