AITA for not wanting to use my inheritance on my kids?

Absolutely NTA. When my grandfather died my mum inherited a lot of money. She had been talking about wanting to visit family who emigrated a long time ago and visiting their now home country, that she had wanted to do for a long time, before my grandfather's death. She started talking about it again after she inherited and said that she felt guilty spending "my (as in me, not her) inheritance" like that. I told her that its not my future inheritance but her money, my grandfather hadn't spent it after my grandmother died and it hadn't made him any happier, and I'd rather she and my dad spent it on experiences and memories and things that made their lives more comfortable, rather than hoarded it just to give to me when they die. I also pointed out that I am crap with money and would spend it on rubbish so they should probably spend it on "proper" things anyway. But that's not my point. That inheritance is YOURS to do with as YOU wish. If you want to spend it on a nice holiday or experience with your husband then you do just that. Hopefully your kids will grow up soon and realise that you are people with wants and lives too, not just them.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread