AITA for not wanting to scoop cat litter for my pregnant wife

I think everyone tolerates risk differently and I don’t think he should make the call on her behalf. If she miscarries, the emotions she deals with he will never understand and if there’s anything she could have done to prevent it, whether it actually caused miscarriage or not, only she can decide whether to change her chores to avoid it.

Right? Even if it’s unlikely, if there’s a way to easily minimize that risk even further why wouldn’t you take it?

I don’t entirely agree with this. Some people are more risk tolerant than others and I’m disagree with the school of thinking of “doing everything possible to easily minimize risk”.

I’m pregnant myself, and I do “controversial” things like occasionally have a piece of sushi or a mug of coffee or take a bath because while they have negative associations according to SOME studies, the effect size is very small. And advice to pregnant women tend towards the “to be safe at all costs” side. It would be easy for me to give up coffee or all of these things just as it would be easy for me to not eat sushi for all 9 months.

But I’ve made a judgment that if I don’t outlaw coffee I might as well not outlaw baths or an occasional piece of sushi or runny eggs because I LOVE all of these things and their risks are all low. My risk tolerance is relatively high, especially after seeing the numbers. I feel like if I were consistent in not doing EVERYTHING slightly risky my life would be miserable so I’m not one off taking EVERY possible precaution.

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