AITA for not wanting my husband to hang an old newspaper article next to my law degree?

Wow that’s such a huge accomplishment and even more so because of when you went back. It’s truly so incredible. As a sahm about to go back to school, I’m just in awe. The commitment is so admirable!!! Showing your kids it’s truly never too late and mom is capable too. It’s your office. It’s your accomplishment. And why shouldn’t you get one wall in one room for just you? I mean I he hanging your degree in his office at work? No? Weird why? Hmm. Oh and NTA obviously. It would take a seriously insecure petulant little turd to think otherwise and you don’t need to deal with insecure petulant little turds. You’re busy getting your new office ready for your new job that your busted your ass for years to get to. I’m really proud of you!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread