AITA for planning a two week long trip out of state to visit family without discussing it with my wife?

I’m gonna go soft ESH, because this is a really messy, complicated situation. I can see both sides, but after losing both sets of grandparents unexpectedly it’s hard for me to say he should give up his trip. But at the same time, it’s obviously not feasible for you to be figuring out rides to work and the baby alone for two weeks.

Is there any way you guys could meet halfway? He could go but not for as long, or maybe he could arrange to fly someone out to help you (your family perhaps? I know money is a concern, but it’s just a thought)

I’m unsure of the nature of the new job, but is there any type of work remote option? I know probably not for two weeks, but maybe a couple days?

I think before ‘forcing’ either party to do something that will make everyone miserable, you guys should sit and really try to talk this out (maybe with an impartial mediator)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread