AITA for pointing out my bf’s family sexist dinner routine?


I'm a woman, and my family's cook. I enjoy it. I prefer my cooking over anyone else's. I don't want my husband cooking dinner and cooking stresses him out anyway (since he's not as familiar with it and not very good at it).

I enjoy setting the table.

I wouldn't say I enjoy cleanup, but I do enjoy that sense of satisfaction and completeness when the last dish has been done, the counters are cleaned, and the post-cleanup candle has been lit. I also enjoy the fact that cleaning the kitchen gets me out of our kids' bath time--a chore my husband takes over while I clean up.

All that to say--you're making a lot of assumptions about their family dynamics and unnecessarily victimizing his mom. If you legit cared and were concerned, you'd have humbly offered to help (not because you're a woman but because you are a person who noticed and cared). Instead you made an ass of yourself. It's not about being trained as jr miss housewife...not everything is a fight-the-power hill-to-die-on. It wasn't something but you were determined to make it something.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread