AITA for posting my (M23) ex-girlfriend's (F22) sex video on snapchat/Facebook after her and her new boyfriend sent me it?

I know (everyone does) you're just mad and talking out your ass right now, but let's be clear here.

You both can sue for emotional distress. You also both broke laws with her sending it to you and you redistributing. So what does that mean? You both waste 10s of thousands in legal fees. Since you're both very young, neither of you has money for damages and the money you do have will get quickly eaten up in legal fees. From there your best hope is they garnish her wages (yours too because, again, you both acted like children who forget laws exist). You will get less than you spent in legal fees and you will get it in small amounts over the course of decades.

Calm down. Use your brain. Look up the term "mutually assured destruction" and block her number/social media accounts. If you're still worked up, talk to a lawyer who will charge you $300/hr to be yet another person to tell you this is an awful and poorly thought out idea.

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