AITA for pressuring my 14yr old sister to get rid of her pacifier?

My cousin sucked on pacifier until he was ten. It took a lot whining off. Like he was staying with us and my mom asked if it would be okay if she held on to it for the night for him. This was Prior to the talking to him and asking him about it. He was came from traumatic childhood so he super attach to it as a comfort thing. My mom asked him things like if he wanted to go to friends house for sleepover and if he wanted to go to summer camp. Just stuff that involved overnight stays. He said yes because he never got to do that. My mom pointed out that if he wanted to do those things he had to not bring a pacifier, because the kids can be cruel and make fun of him, which he acknowledge was true. My mom then suggest that maybe he can let her hold on to it for the night and see how it went. He was reluctant about it, but my mom assured him that she would give it back if he asked. Two hours after bedtime he came in and asked for it back. She said the way he seem to calm down after he got she understood it was almost like a addiction. That he needed it that much for comfort. He seem ashamed that he had given up, but my mom assured him that it was okay. It was going to take time get use to having to be without. My mom talk to his mom about about and suggested slowly whine him off of it.

He able to sleep without now, but the thing about it is that he had to want to work pass it. He needed to be the one that wanted that change. My mom was able to open him up to it by dangling friends and childhood experiences to make him want to change. Maybe you can do the same thing. Just ask for night without it, don’t get made if she can’t make it through then try again the next night. Also maybe offer an overnight trip somewhere she wants to go and see and just ask her not to bring the pacifier. Just some Incentives to get her up to the idea of not sleeping with the pacifier. Good luck to you and your sis!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread