AITA for prioritizing my dog over my kids?

No. The average dog of that breed lives until 14 years old. As a pet owner I can understand where people are coming from but again people are making judgements based off the dog having cancer, even if it does OP and the vet are more than qualified to determine what's best for it, the dog may be excellent health other than the cysts and go on to live another 5 years after treatment. One of my dogs has a disorder with a prognosis of 3 years and we decided that when the time came we would make the right decision, he's now over 6 years old and still living his best furry life but we know that when the time nears it would be cruel to keep him going if he's in pain. Only OP can decide what's best for his dog in the case of the prognosis.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent