AITA for Pulling the “Bride Card” on my Sister/MOH?

UPDATE: Thanks for everyone’s input (yes, even you YTA voters). Turns out my fiancé’s parents forgot to add him into their Friday night lodging plans too so we’re both it a very much “fuck it” mood and ended up booking a DOPE AirBnB together that’s big enough for us to split up the night before but still have a great time (jacuzzi tub, fireplace, deck overlooking the valley, etc.). It’s also a great space for everyone to get ready the morning of, so I think this was the right call.

For those of you asking why I chose my original plans, the venue AirBnB was included in our wedding package. I loved that it was on-site so we didn’t have to worry about driving after the wedding reception. But I don’t want to spend the night before my wedding with my sister if she’s going to resent me OR spend it alone feeling sad my sister didn’t want to come stay with me. Thanks again!

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