AITA for punishing my under-aged daughter for going on Tinder?

YTA because of how you handled this, but hear me out. I’m really glad you found out she was using Tinder when you did—that can become a super dangerous situation really fast. I would say everyone sucks here, because your daughter did a stupid thing, but I don’t think she’s an asshole, just a 16-year-old not thinking about the consequences.

That being said......I caution you about how extreme your approach was, because this is the kind of thing that teaches kids to lie. You gotta make her feel like she can come to you about things that have happened to her due to prior bad decisions on her part, without being punished.

It might help to explain that you were scared for her, and didn’t want her to get hurt or taken advantage of and preyed upon because you love her and care about her safety, and that’s why you were angry. Then go into all the explanations about human trafficking, etc. without making her write an essay. Just have a talk. Make it obvious that you care about her safety (because you clearly do!) without threatening her with punishment.

It might help her to hear all that from you. She’s probably very freaked out right now and needs reassurance. (Better freaked out than molested, though, I will say that. Being on Tinder underage is no joke.)

Seriously, have a talk with your daughter that comes across a bit gentler. I say that not only because of the “teaching kids to lie” thing, but also because having their parents get angry with them as teenagers over things involving relationships and sexuality (no matter how dangerous the situation has been; your daughter’s is a bit extreme) has been very damaging to female friends of mine.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread