AITA for punishing my under-aged daughter for going on Tinder?

Coming from a young woman here, I understand how your daughter feels. She feels like she's old enough to make her own choices, she thinks she knows how the world works and what she's doing is harmless. She thinks she's fully capable of making her own decisions regardless that she doesn't truly understand the consequences.

However, when I was 16 I got myself into a lot of trouble talking to guys online and there was a particular instance where a guy got insanely obsessive. He lived in another state but once things got crazy he started to scare me so I removed and blocked him. He continued to contact me, always getting my number somehow, always finding a way to get a hold of me. I should have told my parents but I was too scared that I would get in trouble or be judged so I kept it to myself. Then one day after my last period in class, I got a text from a random number saying "hey I'm outside:)" and low and behold he had flown to my state and was sitting in my school parking lot in a rental waiting for me to get out of school. The cops were called and it was a massive ordeal and one of the most humiliating and terrifying experiences of my teenage life. I was in way over my head. I wish now my parents would have snooped and found out what I was doing before it got to that point. Your daughter may not understand now but when your 16, regardless what you know or what you think you know, you're still a child and it's your duty as a father to protect her.

I'm surprised your wife isn't siding with you on this. I mean Tinder is specifically made so that people can meet and hook up. It's am adult app with adult men and women. Your daughter has absolutely no business being on there and it's not something your wife should be taking so lightly. I would absolutely stand your ground and your daughter will come to understand. Her frustration and anger is only temporary. You are 100% under no circumstances the asshole in this situation.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread