AITA for putting my foot down and not letting my pregnant wife have a home birth?

Oh, so caring for the welfare of the baby (which is a relevant concern) means I don't give a shit about the mother and means that I hate pregnant women? Why on Reddit do people like you always have to go from one extreme to another? If you want to refute my argument, do it "effing properly" instead of being an ass.

And to address your point; what you said is completely true. However do you really think the mother's stress level is going to be low if the pregnancy goes awry and emergency medical help is not there? You realise that both the mother and the baby can die from an emergency? Because, guess what, emergencies and unforeseen circumstances do happen and whether or not the mother and child die, are unfortunately, a lot more important that just the mother's stress level and the secondary side effects from it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent