AITA for recording my dad when he snapped?

OP you didn't cause his sadness. Or his anger. He did.

IF he is sad about this, and he should be, he caused it by his own actions and he's gonna need to feel that to change, so it's definitely not bad thing that you called him out. You do not have to feel bad for standing up to clearly shitty treatment, or guilty for how he feels afterwards.

If it gets worse, HE is choosing to make it worse. He can't blame that on anyone else either, just like he shouldn't blame his 'temper' on your actions. It's not your fault or your doing, remember that.

Lots of other people have advice on how to the handle the situation from here so I won't try to add, I just wanted to reinforce that you are never at fault for an abusive person being abusive, or for defending yourself against it - especially not for recording evidence.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent