AITA for refusing to cover my mom's portion of the bills after she didn't help me last summer?

Everyone who says YTA or ESH gets downvoted...

You don’t even have a don’t even have your permit. I’m not sure how a couple hundred in bills over the summer equals out to a 5k-10k car...that again, you don’t even have a permit to legally drive.

I’m going to get flamed for this but you thinking just because she has some money, that she needs to spend it (cars aren’t cheap, so you’re asking at least 5k...) is extremely financially irresponsible. It’s a huge reason why lower paid people stay in that paycheck to paycheck cycle for their entire lives, because they spend it as fast as it comes it. I’m glad she said no. Your entitlement to her money is crazy.

You should have just asked for reimbursement for the money you paid over the summer for UTILITIES. You shouldn’t have expected that she just buy you a car.

If you’re so unhappy there, which you already have plans to go live in your dad’s driveway, why don’t you just move out now?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread