AITA for refusing to eat my cousin’s cooking after she once tricked me into eating a food she knows I don’t like?

NAH - Ricotta is the same thing as Cottage cheese. It’s a normal ingredient in lasagna. I once bought cottage cheese by accident at Kroger and made ricotta out of it by pulsing it in a blender. Ricotta is just Cottage cheese with smaller curds and a bit more drainage (or something like that). It’s fundamentally the same food.

At the end of the day, if you don’t want to eat her food then you don’t want to eat it but you’ve taken this whole thing far too seriously. It’s not like she fed you something that was a dietary restriction because you seem to be cool with Ricotta and not with cottage but like I said, those are the same food. Your not an asshole because no one can make you do something that you don’t want to do but I think your aversion is clearly unwarranted, especially years down the line.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread