AITA for refusing to engage with my gf when she drinks too much

Valid. I would say that this has been building up for a while . To answer your questions and also use it for some self reflection... I think more than anything else, I am starting to find the relationship draining. I think this incident was almost a reflection of that. I just wanted to walk away and disengage and did it in a rude way and was called an asshole for it.

Over all the relationship feels good, but i feel that I increasingly want to disengage. I have moved out of college and into a new part of my life. while clinging to a partner who is, possibly, still stuck in college.

Has this come up in the past? Yes. This was a regular thing in college but back then I was perhaps more patient and accepting, or more likely oblivious as I too was drunk or drinking. Brushing off arguments as drunken nonsense and all part of the fun.

Do I nag her? All the time. This may have set her off in the first place. She was drunk and maybe said her mind instead of hiding. I know I can nag her, or push her to do something she doesn’t want to do. She is a free spirit, i relish in structured life. Together we balance out, or crash. It can be a fine line and now we’re maybe not looking at life the same way and that fine line has moved. Now we’re searching for the new balance, maybe.

To your point. I think you’re right, you can judge this one instance based on a one sided point of view, but what good is that when there is 6 years of history to consider.

Thank you for your input. I appreciate it

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