AITA for refusing to let my younger cousins win at bowling after my parents asked me to?

NTA. They are coddling those kids. Children need to learn how to fail in life and learn from mistakes. Did they give them a participation trophy afterwards? Kidding...seriously though, this kind of $hit doesnt fly in the real adult world. Remember before u learn to fly u got to learn to fall first, and u will fall many times. These kids need to learn they need to work to get better at things they want to be/get good at. No one is just going to hand u success on a silver platter, u need to work and also learn others are just going to be better at u than some things and it's not something is get pissy about. The kids are being sore losers and the parents are enabling this behavior and attitude. This is not a good "value" to teach children. If their parents continue raising them this way then the world is going to eat them alive when they grow up. They are teaching them that mommy and daddy will rescue them from feeling any sort of discomfort or failure and they dont have to be accountable for anything. They are crippling them

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread