AITA for refusing to move closer to my Husbands possible future career?

NTA. His reasonings don't make sense. If he will be making more, but then spending more on rent, you guys would be moving for no reason. And, on top of that, you would be struggling more and having much less help from family and friends (which you most definitely need with a new baby and struggling postpartum).

Him pushing for and then calling you names (like pathetic) and getting angry? Those are RED FLAGS. He should not be being verbally abusive and manipulative for not getting his way– especially not to his wife who recently gave birth. This is a mutual decision between the both of you. I think you have a husband problem– not a moving problem.

Be careful in the upcoming days. Don't let him gaslight you or manipulate you into moving or really anything else. Focus on healing and getting better and then go back to your job. I have a feeling you're husband will continue to push boundaries and cause issues. You will need financial security so that he sees that he cannot push you around. Right now, he is bringing home the bacon and thinks he gets to control your household unilaterally. Additionally, a job will allow you to rebuild your safety net and be able to stand on your own two feet in case this relationship does not work out.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread