AITA For Refusing To Give My Daughter More Money For College When I "Technically" Can?

YTA if I have to give a yes or no answer, but also not really. You just lost sight of the most important thing: your daughter's future. Sounds like the daughter made all of the mistakes, as younger ones usually do, especially regarding money. She screwed up big. But if you refuse to help when you can, then you are putting your principles above her future. The end result is her potential future damaged forever if she doesn't graduate. Followed by probably years of her blaming you as she has done before.

I'd suggest you make a deal: tell her that you will pay for the college, directly to the college, on the condition that she gets all passing grades. If she starts failing classes, you will stop paying and not continue to pay any more.

I hate calling you the A hole on this one a lot because the daughter is so much at fault. But ultimately, as a father, you should put her future above your own principles. That is the sacrifice a father makes and is rarely rewarded for.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread