AITA for refusing to pretend to buy my girlfriend drinks?

ESH. On one hand you say other people’s relationships don’t matter, only yours does. So it doesn’t really make sense that you couldn’t “pay,” for her drinks with her money. It would’ve taken zero effort, and your relationship “script,” would’ve stayed the same.

She sucks because she ended up being super immature. She went from wanting to defend you, in a sense (if you paid with her money, I’m sure her friends would’ve stopped chirping her, and probably would’ve thought of you in a better light), to throwing you under the bus. By paying for both of your drinks she guilt tripped you, was petty, and made you look shittier in front of her friends.

This is the kind of immature behaviour I can expect from a college student. From a 31 year old man? You need to grow up if you really love her, and she obviously has some growing up to do as well.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread