AITA for refusing to sell my horse?

NTA. Look at how he has manipulated you into turning your life upside down in less than a year, with the assistance of his enabling family. After this it will be guilt tripping you into cutting back on time with your family and friends, or doing anything without him.

This not love. My partner loves certain sports, friends, and family. I have actively encouraged my SO to do all of these things, with or without me, since we were dating and for over 20 years of marriage.

All of this as quickly as I can because otherwise I know he’ll be annoyed and pissed of for days and give me the silent treatment.

This is not love. This is controlling, abusive, and narcissistic. I grew up with family members who did this and it took me a very long time to see this behavior for what it really is. Knowing what I know now, if I were dating, two of my relationship dealbreakers would be: 1. Silent treatment (I am not talking about taking an hour or two to calm down in order to have a rational discussion), 2. Bringing in family members and friends into personal disagreements and getting them to pressure me. The person would get ONE warning, and then I would be out of there.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread