AITA for refusing to show my husband the rest of the ultrasound photos of our baby?

As a gay man I am by far a woman’s ally over a man in the same way woman have always been my ally and the people who I’ve always held dearest to myself when the guys were bullying and looking down on me so don’t you dare even go there as you have no right or clue in the matter to say that!!

I look at every post objectively and stay impartial until I have all the information and then go with who I feel is right or wrong in the situation but if you were to accuse me of anything you’d have a better shot sit on of calling me a misandrist as a lot of the time in relationships it’s men who aren’t as emotionally intelligent or empathic so I implore you to comment once you’ve got enough information to make that kind of comment instead of instantly assuming something that doesn’t side with a woman must be due to prejudice

I’m clearly missing the “abuse” and also the selectiveness of only exposing people he feels secure with to said “abuse” and unless you’ve seen information I haven’t then the only place that you could have plucked that from is your imagination/thin air

The woman knew who he was when they got married and he has always not had a filter/understood social norms and to marry someone that you can’t accept for their flaws isn’t fair on either of them. Doesn’t change that she can be annoyed about the flaws but to punish him to such an extent by denying him pictures of his own child because he said the baby is ugly from a scan (I don’t know if you’ve seen a scan but babies are ugly even often after they are born too) is unfair and frankly she has no right to withhold those picture from him no matter how pissed off she is about the comment he made, baring in mind she even said the baby looks like lasagne which wreaks of hypocrisy ffs

The things she has said she the edits to defend herself and cover each base to only make him look the arse which is very convenient and suspicious and the fact there’s the inside joke about it being her baby when it’s a very common thing for a woman to say as a way to get at their partners just seems too coincidental

The key to a happy relationship is healthy/reasonable boundaries, communication, expectations and appreciation and currently she doesn’t have any of those.

If in the future me and my partner have a child together and the scan of the baby shows an ugly baby and I see the scans first, show it to him and his reaction was a dead faced “he’s ugly”. My reaction would be to say “I know” and laugh about it with them as that’s a reasonable response to pointing out the obvious and something we both think. Not to withhold anymore pictures of their child and then make a Reddit post trying to back my response up and then edit my post when I get called TA to make me look NTA

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent