AITA for refusing to talk to my parents unless they apologize?

NTA. My nieces and nephew have parents like yours, they shit on any cool or productive or artistic hobby their kids want to do. They're stoners who do fuck all with their lives and want there kids to be the same. (Don't come at me for the stoner comment, i love weed too but when it makes you an unproductive tool it should be cut out or way down.) One of the kids wants to go into the medical field (he's a few months away from graduating highschool) and they're adamantly against it. I had to take him to the college to help him figure out his course load / how to sign up. I'm so incredibly proud of him i cannot for the life of me understand wtf is wrong with them.

Anyways enough about me and my fam. Stay cool OP. Music is awesome, it's a great thing to pursue.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread