AITA for refusing to travel to with my gay brother?


This is a tough one, and I’ll go slightly against the grain and say no assholes instead of just nta.

The reasoning is, that your logic is super valid. It’s a safety and career issue, and it’s also for his safety as well. That being said, I understand the feeling of not being supported by close family members due to my own sexuality, so while not intended you have to look from his perspective. Whether intentional or not, and also depending on how you said it cause a lot of OP’s will always downplay how they acted (not saying you are just that it’s a trend so I’m not assuming either way), you might’ve sent a message that said “I don’t want people to know I have a gay brother and maybe think I’m gay.”

Talk to him one on one, properly explain the logic and say that you’re not doing this to spite him but because unfortunately the south is a shot hole for gay people sometimes and it is just easier (but definitely shittier) to have to go about it this way for everyone.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread