AITA for reminding my boyfriend that I have had sex with other guys before I met him?

I think that logically this would make sense, but the human brain isn't logical in the slightest. He probably thinks of her in a very different way for no reason other than the fact that this fact was probably introduced after he respected her, which really does make a world of difference.

The views he has on women and sex likely comes from an older generation when it was frowned upon by society as a whole. I'm glad we've moved past that but to say this guy thinks of his wife as a skank due to instilled beliefs is ridiculous, as he obviously decides it didn't matter that much to him, considering those same old beliefs would never allow him to marry a 'skank'. The fact of the matter is that this is a guy willing and capable of disregarding everything he was likely taught because he decided this woman broke that system, he just still defaults to the old way of thinking and gets frustrated when it's constantly shoved into his face.

Just in case anyone is confused, I still say NTA.

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