AITA for restricting movie night between my daughter and husband?

Halloween? Like rated R 9 years old?? Alrighty then...

I feel like neither of you are assholes but maybe he kind of is because just because he did it doesn't mean it's "right" or okay. Ratings are there for a reason. Certain things shouldn't be watched until kids are older, that's why they're not allowed to watch them. I feel like pg 13 movies should be okay but mature and R shouldn't even be an option?

Idk that's just me but also I don't think you should be picking the movies because it's their thing and your husband should be mature enough to make smart decisions. Unfortunately if he can't, you have to do what you have to do... try not to be super pushy about it though, remind him gently that certain movies aren't cool for kids her age but that doesn't mean you have to watch strawberry shortcake all night.

There are plenty of movies that they can both watch, that aren't full of violence, sex or adult humour. Just because other people watched these things when they were kids and they're fine now doesn't mean she will be. Protect the innocence of your children.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread