AITA for ruining my wife’s birthday trip by insisting either our son comes or no one goes?

People on this sub are so quick to project wildly and take the weirdest stands to excuse shitty behavior.

Is the wife a bad person? Probably not. Did she act like an asshole in this confined scenario? Yes.

How do you know the computer temporarily damaged their livelihood? That's not anywhere in the OP.

How do you know the kid is a little princeling? The kid got defensive over being attacked. Did the kid handle it well? No. But it's a fucking 12-year-old come on.

Going on the defensive when you feel attacked and digging in against your parents is hardly princeling behavior. It's immature kid behavior by someone who is, by definition, an immature kid.

How do you know the OP is a wavering fathering? Not being willing to banish a 12-year-old from a family vacation for not knowing that fucking minecraft of all things was too intensive for the laptop is hardly ridiculous behavior.

You don't really know any of this shit. You're just so weirdly desperate to defend this that you're just making shit up and projecting wildly over whatever is making you unhappy in your own life.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent