AITA for selling my daughter’s iPad?

YTA beyond belief.

I’m a professional freelance artist. I started drawing when I was 11 years old. I drew all the time, ever day; during school, after school, on car rides, all the time. I decided after years of dedication that I wanted to be an artist.

My parents were vehemently against my career choice. They did the whole shebang; reading off “Top 10 Lowest Money Making Careers” on a weekly basis, threatening me, taking my tablet and banning me from my computer, throwing away my sketchbooks, tossing my drawings of gifts back in my face; in fact, when I won a state award for my caliber of skill (got a letter from the senator, full ride scholarship, yadda yadda), my mom WAS EMBARASSED to show up at the reception and my dad didn’t even come at all (he stayed home to watch TV). His only response later was how humiliated he was to see me in the newspaper for art. They claimed it was all “for my future,” they claimed they wanted what was best for me and to focus on my “school.”

I am now 25. Let me run down my relationship with my parents.

To this day, I do not love my parents with much depth. My mom died earlier this year from a heart attack, but for years after I left for college FOR ART!!!- I did not speak to her unless forced to. I could’ve went my entire life happy never to have spoken to her again; in fact, she called me a week before she died, begging for me to speak to her. When she died, yeah I was sad, but I moved on quick because all I can remember about her was her lack of support and her horrible sense of pride. I can’t even fathom the idea of how I’m going to explain her to my future children besides that “she existed.”

My dad? We BARELY have a relationship. The only reason it’s even warm enough for me to not completely cut contact is because he had a change of heart and accepted that art was what I love, and supported me through and through the last several years. But I will never forget what he did. I never show him my art, I never talk about my career, and when he asks how I’m doing I cut it short and change the subject. My love for him does not exceed the bare minimum because I will never forget his complicity in making me feel worthless for most of my life.

You will lose your daughter, forever, if you do not change. She will never forgive you, she will look forward to leaving you, and you will lose every lovable aspect of your relationship with her for the rest of your life. I know, because I was her.

And if OP’s daughter is reading this message, DM me so I can give you tips on how to keep up your commissions and Instagram without your dad knowing. Also so I can save your contact info and boost your online presence whenever you need it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread