AITA for showing up at my cousin's wedding in a hoodie and jean shorts?

NTA - How can they change the dress code that close to the wedding and expect everyone to accommodate it? Side story - I went to a family member's wedding in a different state. I had my suit packed in a separate carrier. Ready to catch my flight. Only, I somehow forgot to put the coat in it. Pants, shirt, tie, socks, shoes. All good. But somehow the coat slipped through the cracks of packing. I get to the hotel and am freaking out. I figured the coat was lost on the plane or something but it was sitting in my closet at home still. I was in the party and someone let me borrow a coat for the pictures but NOT for the actually ceremony. My family member still brings up the time I forgot my coat to his wedding like 9 years later.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread