AITA For Still Being Upset At My Mum?

NTA - but I do think if it wasnt for the fact it was drugs that made her late, I would think you're a bit OTT. From a surgical point of view it isnt major surgery, its actually a day case where I work and it's not common for and adult's family to be waiting around the hospital for you to wake up from, we usually send them home and tell them we will ring once you've arrived on the ward. I get you were panicked because it can be incredibly disorienting and scary waking up from an anaesthetic ( usually you're woken up in recovery and brought round so you're lucid then wheeled back to the ward so not sure what happened here). I dunno it just seems like all the talk of 'rushing to my side' and 'big ordeal' is a bit much.

I hope your recovery goes/went well and that you get some relief.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread