AITA for ‘stranding’ my son after he kept insulting my wife’s body?

YTA Your son deserves a choice. This whole post and comment is about your wife, you, your ex wife and NOT WHAT HE WANTS. He didn’t have a say in the divorce but he suffered most of the consequences as a vulnerable child that the adults here have the privilege of not going through. This post reeks of selfishness and validation seeking. You talk about therapy as if it’s a cure all, a bandaid you can slap on him. You talk about your son as if he’s an asset to your life causing a loss and not an actual human being who suffers because of his parents. Imagine going to a place where you feel alienated EVERY WEEKEND? Weekends are for relaxation and your son is crying for help by running to his grandparents because he doesn’t have an actual say in the matter.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread