AITA for suggesting my girlfriend find closure instead of dodging a former friend forever?


This is a very clear boundary your partner has set. Respect that boundary. Suggest therapy to help with any residual issues from the past, but do not attempt to force your partner into a situation with someone who was abusive.

To give you an outside protective, I was violated (and yes, that is very much the nice term for what was done) by a friend of my parents. At 38 years old, I still need my husband by my side when interacting with new people. And I have had, and still get, therapy and meds. Do not ever assume that it will be "outgrown". It is a trauma response. Sometimes all the meds and therapy in the world won't 'fix' it and having a person the trauma survivor considers safe is the only thing that helps. If you can't be that, be honest. But don't assume.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread